Friday 16 December 2011

Friday Hop Dix

Q: When you’ve read a book, what do you do with it? (Keep it, give it away, donate it, sell it, swap it..?)

I'm a terrible hoarder and I'm more likely to donate things to make space for books than I am to just to get rid of books. I'm not ashamed of this, and I proudly present and admire the books I've collected. If I don't like a book, I tend to keep it for a time before giving it away to a charity shop, library or someone I know who wants to read it.

I think I worry that if I get rid of a book I liked (even marginally), I would worry about wanting to read it again. And I don't like dog-earred copies, so I'm quite a fussy library-goer. Hopefully I'll move past such vanity, but for the time being it remains an obstacle.

Most Popular: What blog post has gotten the most comments/activity on your blog this year?
I haven't been around so long that I think the number is considerable, and I there much quirkier ones out there but my Friday Hops tend to be the busiest- both most viewed and most commented. My most viewed (at the time of writing) was the one I did in October- Quatre- viewed while my most commented was the one two weeks after- cinq- again, at time of writing. I guess this nothing else to say. Neither of those are my favourite posts, I much prefer my reviews and such, but I've only been at this for maybe 3 months so it's nothing worth fretting over. In the spirit of this, I'd love if you could post a comment on a review. If can't or don't want to, that's fine. But I'll send you virtual hugs if you do! *Opens arms and tilts head questioningly*.

Since writing this last week (I'm quite time-efficient, if nothing else) this has changed. The posts that were done or only just published at that time have actually become my most highly viewed. They were both hops- one was the Friday Hop Neuf and the other was a Top Ten Tuesday. My most viewed review has been Reality is Broken by Jane McGonigal but I couldn't tell you why. I guess it just is what it is. And concerning that virtual hug thing? Yep, that's still a standing and available offer.

Happy hopping!


  1. I agree! I love getting comments on my reviews. I'll be sure and stop by in a bit to check out some of yours :)

  2. Reviews take a lot of effort - more than hops, so it is more satisfying to find comments on those. But still, the community that comes with the hops and memes keeps blogging fun.
    I have an opposite reaction to a "well-worn" library book. I kind-of like books that are older and have seen a lot of use. Books like being read!

  3. I don't like books that have dog eared pages either. I cringe when I see library books with them!

    Here is my Follow Friday post

    New follower =)

  4. Happy FF

  5. I'm the same way I can't even think of giving a book away!

    Xpresso Reads

  6. lol. I would chuck other stuff to make room for the books too! I am so dedicated to my 'library' that I shipped all my 1000+ books from UK to Australia when I moved here four years ago!

  7. Hi, thanks for visiting me this week. I hate that show Hoarders. It's sad and disgusting. After reading my books I'm going to give them away or sell them and get more . What else can you do with them ? I can't bear thinking of ripping the pages out for kindling but apparently you can make a christmas tree out of the pages or just stack them

  8. I'm the only on in my family that likes to read (My sister is into self-help books but that doesn't make her a reader since it takes about 3 years to finish those books) and none of my friends like too either so I have no one to give books to or share with my love for reading. But recently, I gave my friend 13 Reasons Why because she saw I had it and it was the most exciting thing in the whole world to actually discuss books face to face with someone. It was magical really... so yeah, I keep everything because I have no one to share with (except half priced books but that's purely business haha)

    It's always the hops and giveaways that get all the views... it's only natural :p

    This weeks Friday Fun
    -thank you&come again.

  9. I definately hoard my books the downside being I'm very quickly running out of room, new follower, here's mine

  10. The posts we think are the best or the ones we /want/ to get the most views never seem to attract any attention. It's always the offbeat ones that people keep reading.

    Merry holiday break!
