Tuesday 6 December 2011

Top Ten Childhood Faves

This sounds like a very good one, but I kind of thinking that I wasn't a huge reader as a child, so I only read a handful of books. It all kicked out in about 2005/2006. So I'm going to say pre-12 years is child. From around 12-14 it's tween or pre-teen, I think.
  1. Russell Troy, Monster Boy This is the book I remember as my favourite for many, many years. I can only vaguely remember the story, but I do still own it. I guess this influenced my interest in fantasy!
  2. My Tiny Treasury Now this is really old. It's full of little stories and poems and is something I can't get rid of because I've had it as long as I remember.
  3. Harry Potter This was, as I have said many times, the beginning of reading for me. I owe JK so much, in so many ways. I'm hoping she doesn't ask me to pay back for this debt I am convinced I owe her.
  4. Encyclopaedia of Dinosaurs and other Prehistoric Creatures I think every boy has a dinosaur phase at some point in their childhood, some even go on to do it for a career! For me, it was just an interest, a hobby. But, as always, I wanted to know everything about dinosaurs that I could, and I read this Encyclopaedia thrice through, and read sections every few months.
  5. Anything by Roahl Dahl Mostly Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (I loved the rhymes!) but I think I read quite a bit of his stuff. Not as much as I'd like, but a lot indeed.
  6. Eragon This was the borderline child-reading for me. It was a much more grown-up book, so I didn't completely understand it, but it was something I remember reading in '05 or so. Now, I don't think I'd really recommend it to a child!
  7. Role-Playing Books These are those books were you play a character and role dice to have your own written adventure. Apparently my dad used to like these too, so I had some very old ones a few new ones too. They're not really proper books, but I'm running out of things I read now!
  8. Because of how my school worked (as with many English schools and perhaps many international schools) there were always 'set reading books' that people could read and if you read enough, you advanced a reading level. When this first started, I'd consume a book a night so I did rather well in this aspect. The day I made it past levels onto 'library' was an important day for me. It meant I could read anything I wanted.
  9. The Dictionary....
Okay, I'm out of ideas. I did warn you that I wasn't the most...reader-some child, but I think I found it difficult to sit still for a long period of time and concentrated on a book. When I did read books they were (a) short, (b) funny, (c) something I was really interested in or (d) something that I could help but love and that I can't pigeon hole as anything really. I was also a much more avid re-reader since I had books that I knew I liked and read on repeat annually.

Anyway, happy reading, hopefully with better success than my childhood self!


  1. I haven't heard of many of these!

    I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for Harry Potter. I was working at a bookstore when they first came out, and they really changed my life.

    I thought Roald Dahl's books were so scary when I was a kid! Charlie and the Chocolate factory was one of the first movies I ever saw and it gave me nightmares!

    I wasn't very "readersome" (love that word!) as a young child either, but once I figured out reading, I took right to it.

  2. My favorites were Nancy Drew books, and The Bobbsey Twins series.

    <a href="http://its-raining-books.blogspot.com/>Here's my Post<a/>

  3. The dictionary, LOL. I actually had one of those cool dictionary-translator electronic devices for a while a couple of years ago since English is not my first language.

    -thank you&come again.

  4. Racquel- I know... I just couldn't think of anything! Oh? What is your first language, may I ask? I don't want to seem rude or like I'm prying, but I'm very interested since I love other languages and cultures (I study French!).

    Dictionaries will always have a place in my heart.

  5. It's okay, I don't mind ((: My first is Arabic but I always knew English to get me by, but I was taught British English so when I moved to the US it was different in some aspects (like honor-honour) and I would get points taken off in school for that but I'm just like, THAT IS CORRECT! until I learned that oh, there are differences in British and American English.

    That's cool! I'm studying French too (I suck miserably) and I would like to study aboard in France in college for at least one semester. I'm a fellow culture lover, I traveled all my life and it's great.

    Dictionaries have a special place in my brain :p even though I'm a fluent English speaker now, sometimes I don't know the simplest of the words.

  6. I sometimes severely dislike being English; in that I never grew up with a great deal of other languages around. British and American English annoy me so much! I understand why they are different, but the whole soccer and football thing is so annoying and confusing.

    I'm sure you're not that bad! If you know Arabic and English, you have all the linguistic ability! I'd like to study abroad but, at the moment, I'm not sure whether or not I'll be studying French in University. Maybe I might do an exchange student thing (we had one a while back) but I'll not worry. France isn't far if I do really want to go.

    I think everyone is like that! I adore my dictionary and my French-English one!

  7. Really?! I would think that you have many languages surrounding you!! I have been to London my fair share of times and there was always so many languages around, but maybe because London is so touristy and diverse. But at least you can always get on a train and be in a different country. I agree, especially since I'm the biggest soccer or football xD) fan ever and I just want to correct everyone and set them straight but now I just say soccer. It's a lost cause...

    That is true, if I can learn a second language I can learn a third is my motto.You probably can! or just go for a visit which is always better then nothing. I can tell your serious about French if your post names are nay indication haha

    They certainly are helpful that's for sure ((:

  8. I know there is: what I mean is that most foreigners know English too, so it's never been a case that I've had to learn a new language. They're around, but not so-much-so that they have an effect. You've lost the battle but not the war, perhaps? No way is right, really, but I have to stall a moment as figure out what was just said to me.

    I don't want to seem presumptuous though! I know at least two other people who would also love it, one of which I'm close enough that I could hardly argue with their going. The post names... I know. I just wanted to be different in some way.
